Bolivia (Pagina 15/47)

Wordt nu getoond: Bolivia - Postzegels (1867 - 2024) - 2305 postzegels.

1962 Malaria Eradication

4. oktober WM: Geen Graveren: La Papelera S.A., La Paz. Perforatie: 11½

[Malaria Eradication, type LK] [Malaria Eradication, type LK1]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
691 LK 600(B) 0,55 - 0,55 - USD  Info
692 LK1 2000(B) 1,64 - 0,82 - USD  Info
691‑692 2,19 - 1,37 - USD 
1962 Spanish Discoverers

5. december WM: Geen Graveren: F.N.M.T. Madrid. Perforatie: 13 x 12½

[Spanish Discoverers, type LM] [Spanish Discoverers, type LN]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
693 LM 600B 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
694 LN 1200B 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
693‑694 0,82 - 0,54 - USD 
1963 The 21st South American Football Championships, La Paz

22. april WM: Geen Graveren: La Papelera S.A., La Paz. Perforatie: 11½

[The 21st South American Football Championships, La Paz, type LO] [The 21st South American Football Championships, La Paz, type LP] [The 21st South American Football Championships, La Paz, type LR] [The 21st South American Football Championships, La Paz, type LS]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
695 LO 0.60P 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
696 LP 1P 0,82 - 0,27 - USD  Info
697 LR 1.40P 1,64 - 1,09 - USD  Info
698 LS 1.80P 1,64 - 1,09 - USD  Info
695‑698 4,65 - 2,72 - USD 
1963 Freedom from Hunger

WM: Geen Graveren: La Papelera S.A., La Paz. Perforatie: 11½

[Freedom from Hunger, type LT] [Freedom from Hunger, type LU]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
699 LT 0.60P 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
700 LU 1.20P 1,09 - 0,82 - USD  Info
699‑700 1,64 - 1,09 - USD 
1963 Airmail Stamps - "Alliance for Progress"

15. november WM: Geen Graveren: La Papelera S.A., La Paz. Perforatie: 11½

[Airmail Stamps - "Alliance for Progress", type LV]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
701 LV 1.20P 1,09 - 0,82 - USD  Info
1963 The 10th Anniversary of the Revolution, 1962

21. december WM: Geen Graveren: La Papelera S.A., La Paz. Perforatie: 11½

[The 10th Anniversary of the Revolution, 1962, type LW] [The 10th Anniversary of the Revolution, 1962, type LX] [The 10th Anniversary of the Revolution, 1962, type LY] [The 10th Anniversary of the Revolution, 1962, type LZ] [The 10th Anniversary of the Revolution, 1962, type MA] [The 10th Anniversary of the Revolution, 1962, type MB]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
702 LW 0.10P 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
703 LX 0.60P 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
704 LY 1P 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
705 LZ 1.20P 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
706 MA 1.40P 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
707 MB 2.80P 1,09 - 1,09 - USD  Info
702‑707 3,00 - 2,44 - USD 
1966 The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Marshal Santa Cruz

12. augustus WM: 1 Graveren: Casa de moneda de la nación - Argentina Perforatie: 13½

[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Marshal Santa Cruz, type MC] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Marshal Santa Cruz, type MC1] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Marshal Santa Cruz, type MC2] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Marshal Santa Cruz, type MC3]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
708 MC 0.10P 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
709 MC1 0.60P 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
710 MC2 1.00P 0,55 - 0,55 - USD  Info
711 MC3 2.00P 0,55 - 0,55 - USD  Info
708‑711 1,64 - 1,64 - USD 
1966 Airmail - The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Marshal Santa Cruz

12. augustus WM: Geen Graveren: Casa de moneda de la nación - Argentina Perforatie: 13½

[Airmail - The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Marshal Santa Cruz, type MD] [Airmail - The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Marshal Santa Cruz, type MD1] [Airmail - The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Marshal Santa Cruz, type MD2] [Airmail - The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Marshal Santa Cruz, type MD3]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
712 MD 0.20P 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
713 MD1 0.60P 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
714 MD2 1.20P 0,55 - 0,55 - USD  Info
715 MD3 2.80P 1,09 - 1,09 - USD  Info
712‑715 2,18 - 2,18 - USD 
1966 Airmail - Co-Presidents Commemoration, Generals Barrientos and Ovando

15. december WM: Geen Graveren: La Papelera S.A., La Paz. Perforatie: 13½

[Airmail - Co-Presidents Commemoration, Generals Barrientos and Ovando, type MG] [Airmail - Co-Presidents Commemoration, Generals Barrientos and Ovando, type MG1] [Airmail - Co-Presidents Commemoration, Generals Barrientos and Ovando, type MG2] [Airmail - Co-Presidents Commemoration, Generals Barrientos and Ovando, type MG3]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
716 MG 0.60P 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
717 MG1 1P 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
718 MG2 2.80P 1,09 - 0,82 - USD  Info
719 MG3 10P 3,27 - 1,09 - USD  Info
716‑719 8,72 - 8,72 - USD 
716‑719 5,46 - 2,45 - USD 
[Airmail - The 25th Anniversary of the Bolivian Motor Club, Surcharged "XXV - Aniversario - Automovil Club - Boliviano" and Value, type IC5]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
720 IC5 2.80/2700P/(B) 2,73 - 1,64 - USD  Info
[Airmail Stamps - The 25th Anniversary of the Chaco Peace Settlement, Surcharged "XXV Aniversario Paz del Chaco", type IA5]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
721 IA5 0.10/55P 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1966 Christmas - Aid for Poor Children

16. december WM: Geen Ontwerp: Gil Imana. Graveren: La Papelera S.A., La Paz. Perforatie: 13½

[Christmas - Aid for Poor Children, type ME] [Christmas - Aid for Poor Children, type MF]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
722 ME 0.30P 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
723 MF 1.40P 2,18 - 0,55 - USD  Info
722‑723 2,73 - 0,82 - USD 
1966 Airmail - The 100th Anniversary of the Tupiza Surcharged "Centenario de - Tupiza" and Value

21. december WM: Geen Graveren: La Papelera S.A., La Paz. Perforatie: 12

[Airmail - The 100th Anniversary of the Tupiza Surcharged "Centenario de - Tupiza" and Value, type IC6]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
724 IC6 0.60/1350P/(B) 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
[The 100th Anniversary of the Red Cross Surcharged "Centenario de la - Cruz Roja - Internacional" and Value, type IB5] [The 100th Anniversary of the Red Cross Surcharged "Centenario de la - Cruz Roja - Internacional" and Value, type IC7]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
725 IB5 0.20/150P/(B) 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
726 IC7 4/4000P/(B) 1,64 - 1,09 - USD  Info
725‑726 1,91 - 1,36 - USD 
1966 General Azurduy de Padilla - Surcharged "Homenaje a la - Generala - J. Azurduy de - Padilla" and Value

21. december WM: Geen Graveren: La Papelera S.A., La Paz. Perforatie: 12

[General Azurduy de Padilla - Surcharged "Homenaje a la - Generala - J. Azurduy de - Padilla" and Value, type IB6] [General Azurduy de Padilla - Surcharged "Homenaje a la - Generala - J. Azurduy de - Padilla" and Value, type IB7]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
727 IB6 0.30/550P/(B) 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
728 IB7 2.80/750P/(B) 0,82 - 0,55 - USD  Info
727‑728 1,09 - 0,82 - USD 
[Airmail - Cochabamba Philatelic Society Anniversary Surcharged "Aniversario - Centro Filatelico - Cochabamba" and Value, type KY1] [Airmail - Cochabamba Philatelic Society Anniversary Surcharged "Aniversario - Centro Filatelico - Cochabamba" and Value, type KZ1]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
729 KY1 1.20/800P/(B) 1,09 - 0,27 - USD  Info
730 KZ1 1.20/1800P/(B) 1,09 - 0,27 - USD  Info
729‑730 2,18 - 0,54 - USD 
1966 Rotary Help for Children's Hospital

21. december WM: Geen Graveren: La Papelera S.A., La Paz. Perforatie: 11½

[Rotary Help for Children's Hospital, type IO8] [Rotary Help for Children's Hospital, type IO9]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
731 IO8 1.60/350P/(B) 0,82 - 0,55 - USD  Info
732 IO9 2.40/500P/(B) 1,09 - 0,82 - USD  Info
731‑732 1,91 - 1,37 - USD 
1966 Airmail - Rotary Help for Children's Hospital

21. december WM: Geen Graveren: La Papelera S.A., La Paz. Perforatie: 11½

[Airmail - Rotary Help for Children's Hospital, type IO10] [Airmail - Rotary Help for Children's Hospital, type IO11]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
733 IO10 1.40/1000P/(B) 0,82 - 0,82 - USD  Info
734 IO11 1.40/1800P/(B) 0,82 - 0,82 - USD  Info
733‑734 1,64 - 1,64 - USD 
[Airmail Stamps - The 12th Anniversary of the Agrarian Reform, Surcharged "XII Aniversario - Reforma - Agraria, type HW4]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
735 HW4 0.10/27P/B 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1966 The 150th Anniversary of the Coronilla Heroines - Surcharged "CL Aniversario - Heroinas Coronilla"

21. december WM: Geen Graveren: La Papelera S.A., La Paz. Perforatie: 11½

[The 150th Anniversary of the Coronilla Heroines - Surcharged "CL Aniversario - Heroinas Coronilla", type IM6] [The 150th Anniversary of the Coronilla Heroines - Surcharged "CL Aniversario - Heroinas Coronilla", type IN6]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
736 IM6 0.60/350P/(B) 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
737 IN6 1.20/800P/(B) 0,82 - 0,55 - USD  Info
736‑737 1,37 - 0,82 - USD 
1966 Airmail - The 100th Anniversary of the Hymn La Paz, Surcharged "Centenario Himno Paceno"

21. december WM: Geen Graveren: La Papelera S.A., La Paz. Perforatie: 11½

[Airmail - The 100th Anniversary of the Hymn La Paz, Surcharged "Centenario Himno Paceno", type IN7]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
738 IN7 1.40/4000P/(B) 0,82 - 0,55 - USD  Info
1966 The 100th Anniversary of the Rurrenabaque, Surcharged "Centenario de - Rurrenabaque" and Value

21. december WM: Geen Graveren: Talleres Offset, La Paz. Perforatie: 11

[The 100th Anniversary of the Rurrenabaque, Surcharged "Centenario de  - Rurrenabaque" and Value, type MH]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
739 MH 1/10P/B 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info


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